Society Rules

Society Rules 2020

1. Respect your fellow members.
2. Ensure you arrive at all events with plenty of time! (usually 60 minutes before the tee time)
3. Always keep up with play – if a group falls 2 holes behind the match in front, they must walk onto the next tee and forfeit the hole.
4. All of our tournaments are Stableford, so there is no need for large gaps in play. If you can’t score, then pick up!
5. League scoring will be determined by the seven highest-scoring cards handed in over the season for qualifying events for each player. Stableford scores will be used to determine league scoring.  At the end of the season, all the points for the seven cards will be added up and used to determine who has won the league
6. Handicaps will be adjusted based on the course’s standard scratch score.  For example, the SSS for Stockley Park is 70, whereas the par is 71.  Each player will have their handicap reduced by one stroke to account for the difference between Par and SSS.  All scoring will be based on the adjusted handicap.

At the end of each season, the Captain and Vice-captain will review the scores of each member and decide if any member should have their handicap adjusted.  The adjustments must be published before the first match of the new season.

7. Singles matchplay

  1. Members who cannot play their singles match on the scheduled date must proactively notify their opponent and the Captain.
  2. If a member does not turn up to play without informing their opponent and the Captain, at the Captain’s discretion, they may be deemed to have lost their match.
  3. If one of the players is uncooperative or offers no reasonable explanation for not playing their match, they may be deemed to have lost their match at the Captain’s discretion.
  4. At the Captain’s discretion, they may also flip a coin to decide which opponent should go through to the next stage.
  5. A 2-stroke penalty for failure to return the scorecard from the previous match.
8. Doubles Stableford – Where possible, doubles should be played together.
9. On all occasions where players are entering a card for the league, they must putt out a hole, there are no “gimmies” no matter how close the ball is to the hole.
10. Ryder Cup – top 14 league positions are automatically selected for the Ryder Cup and the captain then has 2 further wild-card picks
11. Captain’s Day – this tournament is now Stableford and does count towards the league. Each member can bring two guests to this tournament.
12. Make sure you look like a gentleman on the course… Clean those shoes! Leave attitudes and bad language in the car park.
13. Bring your “a” game to the course, those that don’t drive it past the ladies tee box will buy drinks for the whole group!
14. All members are assumed to be attending every date published on this website.
It is the member’s responsibility to give 7 days cancellation notice to the Captain or Vice-Captain.
Failure to attend on the dates published without informing the Captain will result in the member paying the full fee for the day.
15. Non-members (guests) are welcome to play at any scheduled dates/clubs, but they must pay the total cost on the day and will not qualify for any subsidy the society may choose to apply.  They are not eligible for the longest drive and nearest to the pin.

More information about the type of play and scoring can be found here